
The Facts Behind Seven Mediation Myths

Here at the Weinberger mediation blog, we share a lot of detailed information about the mediation process. We have previously discussed some of the mistaken ideas or “myths” about mediation circulating out in the public. This month we are highlighting the facts behind a few more myths: Read more

Mediation for Post-Divorce Issues

Couple Meeting with ConsultantMediation can be highly effective for resolving issues in divorce, and it’s also a great option for addressing post-divorce issues. Fortunately, couples who use mediation to negotiate Marital Settlement Agreements (MSA’s) tend to have few post-divorce disagreements. Those who receive orders after contentious court procedures may be more likely to continue to fight over those orders. Whether you originally participated in divorce mediation or not, however, you are free to go to a mediator to resolve any post-divorce disagreements. Such disagreements tend to concern isolated matters which can be resolved in one or two mediation sessions, presenting a much cheaper and less stressful alternative to court. Read more

What is a Mediation “Caucus”?

Meeting room with label "Meeting in progress"

In installment IV of our ongoing mediation case study, we saw Derek and Stacey participate in a “caucus” when their child custody discussion became heated. If you are considering mediation in your own divorce case, you might be wondering exactly what a caucus is, and when it is most likely to be appropriate in mediation.  Read more