
Do You Need a Divorce Coach?

Divorce Coach

Last month we talked about how couples counseling can be useful for spouses considering divorce. But what if you have already decided to divorce, and you feel overwhelmed? Should you find an individual therapist? Or could another kind of professional be more useful? While many attorneys are good listeners, attorneys do not generally have the right kind of training to provide the emotional support that is crucial for so many people going through divorce. Your attorney’s job is to protect your legal rights. But there is another alternative to traditional therapy. Today we are going to talk about divorce coaches, what they do, and how they differ from therapists and counselors. Read more

Should You Try Marriage Counseling Before Divorce Mediation?

marriage counseling

Was this month’s Valentine’s Day a wakeup call about the state of your marriage? And if so, what are your next steps? Is your first stop an attorney’s office or is it a therapist’s couch for marriage counseling?

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readiness for divorce

Assessing Readiness for Divorce

readiness for divorce

Before thinking about divorce mediation, a fundamental first question to ask yourself is whether or not you are really ready for divorce. There is a difference between readiness for divorce and readiness for divorce mediation, although these certainly overlap. Today we will talk about the former and in our next post, the latter. Read more

Divorce Mediation up Close and Personal – Derek and Stacey, Part I

Frayed Rope about to Break

What is it really like to have your divorce mediated? For 2015, we are presenting something new in the mediation blog – a case study following one couple’s journey through divorce mediation from the very first steps to the ultimate resolution of their case. Today, in Part I, we will meet our divorcing couple, Stacey and Derek, and take a look at their marital situation and their decision to divorce. Read more